Our Instructor

Shaykh Tabraze Azam

Shaykh Tabraze Azam is a traditionally-trained educator of the Islamic sciences specialising in Hanafi Sacred Law and Legal Theory. He memorised the Qur’an, earned his BSc in Computer Science and Management from the University of Leicester, and thereafter formally studied classical Islamic disciplines for over a decade with a number of distinguished scholars in Turkey and Jordan, thereby attaining formal, traditional licenses to teach and transmit sacred knowledge. He is a graduate of the law-track at the Anwar al-‘Ulama Institute in Amman which focused on providing extensive jurisconsult training in both Hanafi legal theory and law application. 

He was previously a faculty member at SeekersGuidance, and then at Basira Education, where he taught curriculum courses on a variety of Islamic disciplines, answered religious questions, and supervised students of knowledge. Presently, he is the Founder and Managing Director of the Irshad Centre for Hanafi Studies (www.irshad.org.uk), an educational project which seeks to rigorously and holistically train students in Hanafism, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Hanafi Studies (www.johas.org), a peer-reviewed, academic journal which publishes cutting-edge research on an annual basis, faculty member at the Darul Iftaa Muadh ibn Jabal, and Head of Operations at Dar al-Imam Abu Hanifa, an Arabic-language publishing house dedicated to the revival of Hanafi texts. His forthcoming publications include titles in both Arabic and English.
